Day 2
Today we are going the escape park! Our initial plan is to have a breakfast at the famous cafe-Toh Soon Cafe, but due to the Chinese event, the cafe was closed. So we straight away go the escape park and having the breakfast at there.Before enter the escape park, we need to make sure ourselves are in sporting wearing, water bottle is not allowed and need to keep all the stuff inside locker.
Here we are! The escape park
Here is the reception area, we buy the ticket from here, It cost us around RM 60 per person. We are not entitled to the promotion price as they only offer to international student and need to show them the ISIC card.
Our ticket of escape park.The security guard will help you to wear it, otherwise they won't allow you to enter the escape park.
Cash is not allowed in the escape park. The only way to buy things is by top up to this card. They will charge you RM 10 for deposit of the card and we need to top up at least RM 30 in this card.
That is the locker key, they will charge RM5 for the key's deposit. Just scan with the machine the locker will open automatically. We put all of our valuable things inside the locker.
Jiand is sitting in-front of locker.
The locker can store two standard size bag.
They have a brochures for guiding us experience all activity and also mention the safety rules that we need to take note when inside the escape park.
There is a sourviners shop near by entrance.
A lot of items with escape park logo or theme are selling in the souvenir shop.
The future planning of activities and construction in escape park was place in the souvenir shop to attract tourist to go for another visit in future.
More description on details of the building and activities in drawings.
There is also green project in Escape park.The structure for grass roofing.
The clinic surround by trees.
Even the water tank they also plant some plantation on it.
The food court inside the escape park. There is a lot if bench for people to rest and serve their food.The price is quite expensive as even mineral water also cost about RM 4.
This is the top up counter for us to top up the money at there in case we spend out all the credit in our card.
Top up counter everywhere.
They also provide some basic facilities inside the escape park and you can found it at everywhere. Is more easier for tourist. There is a recycle dustbin near by food court.
Dustbins can easily seen inside escape park to keep the environment clean by prevent people throw rubbish everywhere.
Sign board and map of escape park.
Resting area at the escape park.
Swings set between trees.
The bench that made by bamboo stick. Quite naturally and is very interesting for us because it looks nice and comfortable to sit.
There are a lot of plantation inside the escape park can be saw everywhere. That is a beautiful flower.
A very special sink outside of the toilet. The design is quite creative.
One of the activity is panning of gold. This activity is mainly for children. to let them know about the gold's panning process and increase their knowledge about panning of gold.
The machine for gold panning.
The tools use for panning gold.

There is a tattoo shop at there which need to charge extra money from tourist and they only provide fake tattoo.
The area for monkey business. There are a lot of activities inside this area and is suitable for kids and adults. There is 3 layer in the building, the higher the layer, the harder the game.Each layer have three level of games to be pass. All of us straight away go to the third layer, which is the hardest part. Although there is safety precaution but it is still very scary. Luiz and I only manage to finish level 1 in layer three as we do not have energy anymore. The warrior of our gang----Ummu and Jiand complete all three levels in layer 3. After that we straight go down to find out other activities in Monkey Business.
There is Flying Lemur in Monkey business. When we reach our platform we need to CATCH THE NET by ourselves. If we miss the net, we will straight swing back and stuck at the middle of the platform. I am the one who missed the net and being stucked at the middle for around 15 minutes then only got people came up and save me.
There are a lot of platform for people to rest. This is quite important as activities in Monkey business makes a lot of people exhausted.
There is an accident happened in Monkey Business. Before start play the flying lemur, Ummu ask Jiand once time how many people can play it, and Jiand answer is 3. So Ummu just go after Jiand, and what happen is they hit each other in the activity. Luiz and I are helpless and only can laugh loudly at the platform. Whenthey came down, Jiand tell us that he means each platform can stay 3 people not one time can have 3 people playing it. So please remember that each platform can only stay THREE people at the same time.
Our next activity is Gecko Tower. We wait at here to enter the Gecko tower. The staffs there guide us how to play and take care of our safety. The Gecko Tower consist of 4 levels, one wall for each level. I'm only manage to complete level 1 and level 2, but our warrior----- Ummu and Jiand( still both of them) completed level 3. I ask Ummu why she can finished everything inside the park, for me is too tired. Ummu say because she loves this kind of activities that's why she can complete it and Jiand also answer the same answer. They also said they will recommend and bring their friends to escape park in future.
Gecko Tower, the people is climbing.
Atan's Leap, similar with bungee jump. We wait inside the house because only one person can play in the same time. When go up to the tower, there are two level to be choose which is 12m and 20m, Adult can choose a preferred level to challenge.
It is really scary when you jump from the height, so it is not a good idea to suicide by jumping off the building. After a try in this activity, i will NEVER EVER choose to jump from a building to end my life.
This is the walkway to monkey school and tots trail.It is only for kids, adult is not allowed for this activity.
Children playing happily in Monkey School.
There is a lot of activities for kids. It is safer compare with adult's activities. It can be consider as Monkey Business for children. There is a big hint from the name. 'Business' for adults and 'school' for children.
The Tots Trail. A kid is playing inside.
There are some animals inside the park for children to experiencing interaction with animals. There are chicken, turkey, goose and duck.
Scarecrow in the park.
Ducks inside the cage.
Goose that seldom seen in city!
Gooses everywhere.
Foxy Burrow for balancing training. I saw a 7 years old girl complete the mission.
Go ape, the only activity we didn't try because we decide to save our energy for other activities, When we saw this activity we just pass through it.
Go Ape
After passing the Go Ape, there is a staircase lead to the Flying Lemur. That is only activity can let you relax, we really enjoy this activity because after you climb up the only thing you need to do is LET IT GO.
Staircase to the Flying Lemur.
I'm Flying up high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The last activity is the Tubby Racer.
We like this activity very much. The only bad thing is, we need to drag the tyre pass through the walkway which takes us 10 minutes walking time. The road is incline, we used out a lot of energy to pass through the walkway but we only enjoy for 2 or 3 minutes only.
the walkway.
We came down from here.
After finished the activity, we go back to our hostel by bus. The bus stop is just right in-front of escape park and is free of charge. They will send you to other bus stop for your conveniences as well, you can choose your own destination. It takes around 1 hour to our hostel. Goodbye, escape park!
After we reached hostel, we take a rest and bath. We continue our journey by visit to E & O hotel in Jalan Farquhar . We just take a simple walk around there. People Inside the hotel have proper dress up, the customer even also wear proper when walk out from their room. That's the reason we afraid to go inside. It is too classy for me.
The outer view of the hotel. A lot of luxury cars and taxi outside of the hotel.
Sarkies Corner inside the hotel.
Traditional furniture and decoration inside the E&O hotel.
The lift if the hotel.
When we came back from E&O hotel, we meet a couple tourist. They don't know where they can eat in Penang, As we also looking for a place for our dinner so they just join up with us for dinner. They came from Taiwan and ask us about our culture in Malaysia. We did share our experience on our life as a Malaysian to the Taiwan couple. We decided to eat at Lebuh Kimberley, because of Luiz told us previously she came to Penang with her friend, they found out that in Lebuh Kimberly have a lot of delicious food, so we follow Luiz to Lebuh Kimberley.
We walking around to town looking for Lebuh Kimberly.
When we reached there we start our dinner, there is a food heaven for us, a lot of food we want to try it, but our stomach do not allowed us to do so. We just try some of our favorite there.
Penang laksa is my favorite, must try and NO WAY to missed it!!!
The different between normal laksa and Penang laksa is it had special sauce which need to be add in the soup. It makes the taste different compare to normal laksa.
Fried oyster!!!The taste is quite good but I still prefer fried oyster near my house. (Who want to follow me for a delicious fried oyster???)
The last food is Cha Kuih Teow. The prawn is so big!!
After dinner we plan to go back to our hostel. When we on the way go back our hostel, we found out there is a theme stop selling jewelry, name is LACONIC. Their concept is contemporary art. All of the product they sell in the shop is made by their own. 100% handmade and all design by them.
We interested with this shop just because of this art work, it looks so nice.
This art work is made by the below mineral
The art work's raw material.
In this shop, they have their own designers and artist. All of their painting display in shop is drawn by their artist.
What can you imagine from this drawings?
This sculpture had display for fashion event before. They special design it for fashion event.
That is the most expensive sculpture in the shop, the middle part is 24K gold.
The pen container, the upper part inside the wood there is swarovski' crystal. It is expensive and I know it.
Even the book holder also made by themselves.
Even the staircase also have their own design, the below picture can see that when they paint the staircase they don't clean it, they make it as a part of their design.
The shop keeper told us they get different feedback from people of different countries. Most of the Asian consider it as ugly, but most Europe country people feel that is really beautiful and special.
The broken fan place at ceiling, is a part of their design.
Even the lighting also design and made by their own, They bend the aluminium pipe and fix the lighting inside the pipe. It's look simple but when do by yourself is not that simple as what you though.
That is a special necklace. The pendant of the necklace is real antique coins, and is hard to find now. They even have different period of coins for each necklace.
We ask the shop keeper whether they will afraid other competitor copy their art work? He said won't, he told us their material is special, if others can copy their art work and also using the same material with them, they will respect that people, because mean they did a lot of research about the material.
The way they hang necklace also different with others.
They also selling some couple rings I bought one pair from them.
The special timber, it call KAYU RAJA, means the king of wood. Why they call it as the king of wood? Please see the details below.
Can see that the wood under lighting, it show red color and 50% transparent, the shop keeper told us that when you burn the wood it won't became dust only will melt it became red color water, and after it cold will became some thing like red crystal. Shop keeper also told us this wood also will depends on our body healthy become darker or lighter.
That is their special post card for their anniversary.
Shop keeper gave us one set of the post card we will keep it properly cause it is limited edition post card from them.
Let;s us see some handmade couple ring.
Shinning bright like a diamond~
the special chair.
“Little Children on a Bicycle” Mural, Armenian Street, George Town, Penang
The night of Penang abit scary
Lion dance drawings on the wall.
“Reaching Up” Mural, Cannon Street, George Town, Penang
After dinner we plan to go back to our hostel. When we on the way go back our hostel, we found out there is a theme stop selling jewelry, name is LACONIC. Their concept is contemporary art. All of the product they sell in the shop is made by their own. 100% handmade and all design by them.
We interested with this shop just because of this art work, it looks so nice.
This art work is made by the below mineral
The art work's raw material.
In this shop, they have their own designers and artist. All of their painting display in shop is drawn by their artist.
What can you imagine from this drawings?
Antique chair
Antique cabinet
I found some special thing inside the shop. The old duster, the shop keeper told us that it is his primary school's duster but now no places have sell this type of duster and he give me one of it.
For me, this duster looks like sushi. I am really happy to get this special gift.
The special stone art works. They use for decorated their display counter.
One of the sculpture made by them, the middle part is real crystal.This sculpture had display for fashion event before. They special design it for fashion event.
That is the most expensive sculpture in the shop, the middle part is 24K gold.
The pen container, the upper part inside the wood there is swarovski' crystal. It is expensive and I know it.
Even the book holder also made by themselves.
The sculpture made by the shop keeper, the silver thing is aluminium and the hammer cover with 24K gold.
The special sculpture place at counter, the shop keeper said that there is a special meaning on it but he refuse to tell us as he want us to find out ourselves.
Even the staircase also have their own design, the below picture can see that when they paint the staircase they don't clean it, they make it as a part of their design.
The shop keeper told us they get different feedback from people of different countries. Most of the Asian consider it as ugly, but most Europe country people feel that is really beautiful and special.
The broken fan place at ceiling, is a part of their design.
Even the lighting also design and made by their own, They bend the aluminium pipe and fix the lighting inside the pipe. It's look simple but when do by yourself is not that simple as what you though.
The cabinet inside the shop also design and made by themselves. can see that is different with the normal shop. Most of their stuff made by aluminium, stainless steel, crystal, leather, and timber.
The leather bracelet and ring.That is a special necklace. The pendant of the necklace is real antique coins, and is hard to find now. They even have different period of coins for each necklace.
We ask the shop keeper whether they will afraid other competitor copy their art work? He said won't, he told us their material is special, if others can copy their art work and also using the same material with them, they will respect that people, because mean they did a lot of research about the material.
There is a lot of special cabinet you can see inside the shop because the cabinet design and made by themselves. and cannot be found at others places.
The way they hang necklace also different with others.
They also selling some couple rings I bought one pair from them.
Can see that the wood under lighting, it show red color and 50% transparent, the shop keeper told us that when you burn the wood it won't became dust only will melt it became red color water, and after it cold will became some thing like red crystal. Shop keeper also told us this wood also will depends on our body healthy become darker or lighter.
That is their special post card for their anniversary.
Shop keeper gave us one set of the post card we will keep it properly cause it is limited edition post card from them.
Shinning bright like a diamond~
There is their name card if you interested with their shop you can try to contact them or go their website to see more detailing. LACONIC contemporary art jewelry open at Penang, Georgetown, Lebuh Chulia.
We wait the shop keeper until 11.00pm, because he want to lead us going around Georgetown. He bring us to visit the street art in Georgetown, that was the most famous thing in Penang.the special chair.
“Little Children on a Bicycle” Mural, Armenian Street, George Town, Penang
The night of Penang abit scary
Lion dance drawings on the wall.
“Reaching Up” Mural, Cannon Street, George Town, Penang
Even is already midnight, the street art still available for photo taking because the management provide the lighting for the street art. The painting can be seen clearly even at night.
After that we go back our hostel to have a sleep. We appreciated the shop keeper's guidance and patience, let us feel that Penang people is really enthusiasm. Because of him, we known more about Penang.
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